Great Career Choices are made over time as you develop and grow. For some, the choice is clear from a young age, while for others, the choice may change in their mid-teens or even later in life.
Career Guidance is also not a once-size fit all solution, and is essential if you are to make wise and informed career decisions.
How does Career Guidance work?
A Nicosa Career Coach will you explore your skills and strengths through coaching models and exercises, consider your education levels while determining your interests and personality type through certified assessments.
From Confusion to Clarity
The process STARTS with a conversation with a
Certified Career Coach, to gain insight and understanding of your needs, and future goals.
We complete relevant assessments on ability, personality, values, interests and career readiness.
The Career Coach provides you with feedback on the; assessments, discuss options, subject choices, opportunities and resources to help you meet your goals
The Career Coach will assist you in putting the plan into action, provide support and guidance on your journey to the building the right learning path, and / or new career launch
A key goal of Nicosa is to create an opportunity that enables students to choose and pursue their studies with a strong focus on their personal intellectual development, while at the same time preparing them for the responsibilities and challenges they may face in a world with an increasingly competitive environments with a high speed change orientation and quite diverse in nature.
are you
to find out more?
Connect with our team, and request an
OBLIGATION FREE quote today.
You can BOOK an 30 min -
obligation free-
online appointment
with one of our coaches today!